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Colorado State Pueblo - Sports Camps
Colorado State Pueblo - Sports Camps mobile
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  • Dr. Dan Memorial/Spank Blasing 5K
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  • Pack Volleyball Camps
  • Pack Womens Basketball Camps
  • Pack Women's Lacrosse Camps
  • 海豚加速器白金破解版
  • Pack Wrestling Camps

Pack Camps

at Colorado State University - Pueblo
Pueblo, Colorado


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The COVID-19 health crisis is fluid and ever-changing, so our decision was made based on current information. Governor Polis has extended the “Stay-at-Home” Order, cases in Pueblo are on the rise and our University is not willing to put its staff, students or youth at risk.

Our number one goal is to protect our community. We also want to give our student-athletes every chance to have a safe July and a full return to participation in August. We spent hundreds of hours trying to make camps and our league possible. We are not being complacent one bit, but there are just too many concerns to overcome.

海豚加速器破解版手机Are the kids looking for something to do this summer? Looking for a low-cost, high-quality opportunity for your son or daughter to improve their athletic skills?

Then consider a summer sports camp at Colorado State University - Pueblo!

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Colorado State University - Pueblo Sports Camps provide an outstanding opportunity to develop each camper's athletic skills. In addition to fundamental instruction, campers will be exposed to sport specific strategies and will have the chance to improve their individual area. CSU-Pueblo coaches and players will provide instruction and feedback that will help you improve your athletic performance and develop the skills necessary for success.

For more information on a camp, use the links at left or view the master camp schedule below.  CHECK BACK OFTEN, AS WE ADD NEW SUMMER CAMPS OFTEN! We look forward to seeing you at camp, and are excited to have you on our campus!

Note to Campers: To experience the convenience of online camp registration, each camper incurs a small online handling fee. To avoid the fee, please download a registration brochure (found on each camp's web site) and send your registration to the appropriate camp director with an attached check or money order.

October 10th, 2023
Women's Soccer
Elite Camp


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